A marvelous time with old friends in the Bush. The Lowveld had lots of rain, the grass was waist high and the game scarce (there is water everywhere and not just at watering holes). The birding was good, starting off with a lifer (African Mourning Dove) while having dinner in Hoedspruit and adding another 23 lifers in the week and a bit we were down there. Frustrating sometimes for Ingrid because we braked foe every LBJ (Little Brown Job) but had some magnificent sightings non the less.
Ingrid especially enjoyed driving around in the rain and enjoyed the green bushveld.
We have been having some internet troubles thus the limited amount of blogging.
Tomorrow we start the big tour starting in the Kgalagadi. I hope that we have some internet so that i can keep you updated.
Burchell's Coucal Mating Sequence
The following is a mating sequence of the Burchell’s Coucal, ending with him offering her a morsel of moth, and with her accepting effectively turning her into a prostitute. We saw this happen three times. Twice without food.